Monday, May 11, 2009

The old and new of Game weapons.

When creating a game there is a lot of items that go into the thought proccess and design documents durning brain storming. Many game designers go with the flow, 'if you will,' and creat rpg games based in the midevil times of monsters, knights, and castles, i.e. Zelda and Radiata Stories . However, some game developers have ventured from the beaten path to creat a more modern rpg that has more themes such as mutated animals, regular people, and current landmarks i.e., the Fallout series. Even more so now, game designers have been trying to implement a mixture of old school and new school.

Las Vegas - Shooting machine guns and hand guns !Image by Bobasonic via Flickr

:en:Tourmaline daggers in MonstersGame, a leve...Image via Wikipedia

So there are a few itching questions you shold ask yourself before you begin.

Do guns or swords fit better into your game world?

Is your game set timeframe that is mid-evil, modern, or placed in the future?

Will having mixed weapons and time frames make sence in my game story?

You Decide.

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